CX Email Marketing What is Customer Experience Marketing

Customer Experience Email Marketing (CX Email Marketing), is where email intelligence meets the customer journey. Gone are the days you randomly send emails with slapped-together-last-minute content and hope for the best. Email marketing has evolved! By using the data you have on your subscribers, you’ll be able to increase engagement by personalizing both the content and the timing of each of your emails.

CX Email Marketing is Win-Win

CX Email Marketing is a win-win, meaning it’s a win for you AND a win for your subscriber. Basically, you achieve your goals by helping them achieve theirs. When you reach the right person, with the right message at the right moment, it’s the perfect environment for your business to grow!

Instead of focusing on selling, figure out how you can serve your subscribers and customers. As you start developing your content, keep this question in mind “What’s in it for them?” When you focus on tailoring your messaging to what they need when they need it, the result will be a long-lasting relationship.

Your Turn 

How can you incorporate CX Email Marketing into your efforts? Well, I have some good news! You don’t need to do a complete overhaul of your email marketing. Simply start building on what you already have. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Expand on your personalization. Take your personalization one step further beyond just name by adding variable data to your content. This can be anything such as their last purchase, the last action they took in a previous email or website, their location, preferences, etc.
  • Focus on what’s in it for your customer. As you develop your content, one thing you can do is describe the problem your customers have (sometimes when they’re knee deep in a problem, they can’t see it so you could be pointing out a pain they didn’t realize they had!). Then show how your product is the perfect solution to resolve it. Don’t just list out your features here. Show how your product makes their life easier.
  • Develop an Email Preference Center. This allows the subscriber to choose how, when and what they want to receive from you. This can also help you personalize your content around their preferences, wants and needs based on where they are in your sales funnel. This is especially helpful if you offer different and varying products.

By incorporating CX Email Marketing to your efforts you will increase the “halo effect” of your company! As your subscribers find you to be more helpful to them, it will make all of your other emails more desirable to open and click-thru.

I’d love to know if you learned anything from this and how you plan to implement CX Email Marketing into your efforts. Tell me down in the comments!
